July 25, 2014

Siblings of Children with Hearing Loss

Here is a good article about how to best support the siblings of children with hearing loss. It's something we struggle with in our household. We always feel like Reyana and Kelton give up a lot for Audrena, so we make a conscious effort to do things that involve only them. It's hard. They don't always understand that the therapists are there to help Audrena learn to talk because it looks like play to them. The physical therapy time looks like a fun obstacle course, and they want to participate. Well, Reyana understands a little more because she is the oldest, so she does things like reading bedtime stories to Audrena, knowing on a 7-year-old level that she is helping her little sister. But there are plenty of times when it's just plain unfair that so much of our attention goes to Audrena. It's a balancing act.

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