May 23, 2012

Deaf Baseball Player Aims for Major Leagues

A friend pointed this news piece out to me. You really need to watch the video and read the article, I think. First of all, I think this kid is awesome. A star student who has set his sights on the major leagues, Austin has ambition for sure!

Now here is my critique. The video piece does a great job of showing off the implant. What it doesn't do is explain anything about it. It doesn't even call it what it is--a cochlear implant. And the written article? Don't get me started. The written article refers to it as an "external hearing device" and then a "hearing aid." While both descriptions are probably technically accurate, they're not exactly the correct terms. A hearing aid is different than a cochlear implant. Why not call it what it is, a cochlear implant? I was a mass communication major for awhile in college. I know that broadcast media has time limits, and printed media has length limits of its own. However, I think they could have still squeezed in a brief sentence describing what a cochlear implant is, and they certainly could have called it by its name. How would it have taken away from the focus of the article to just educate the public a tiny bit about the cochlear implant that helps Austin hear?

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