June 1, 2012

What an exciting couple of days!

And I have a feeling it's only going to get better from here!

We had all of our pre-candidacy appointments at Boys Town over the past two days. It started with the vestibular testing on Wednesday morning. I was very nervous about it because the testing would help the doctors determine which ear to implant first, and possibly whether bilateral implants would even be an option for Audrena. We already knew that Audrena is missing two out of the three semicircular canals in her vestibular system. If the system had been working better on one side than the other, it would help the doctors make those important decisions. However, the tests showed that her vestibular system is not really functioning.

After the vestibular testing, we met with Dr. K. Our doctor, Dr. L., had a funeral to attend, and Dr. K. is the other implant surgeon. The team manager had assured me we would really like Dr. K., and she was right! He explained to us that, although it sounds bad that Audrena's vestibular system is not working, it's actually very good from a surgery standpoint. However, as we already knew, Audrena will have to rely on other senses for balance and walking skills. Water will also be more dangerous for her because people with absent vestibular function can't really tell which way is up in the water. So it will be very important for her to have swimming lessons, and swimming in a lake or river will be very dangerous because of the murky water where she would not be able to see the surface. As for the rest of our discussion, Dr. K. just spent time answering our questions and discussing genetics with us. I needed that. As Randy said to him, "You just lifted a huge weight off of her shoulders." Of course, nothing is concrete until we are able to meet with the geneticists and have testing done, but I had been worrying about a certain syndrome. Dr. K. doesn't feel that there is much of a chance that Audrena has it. Also during that appointment, Dr. L.'s awesome nurse (seriously, she's been really great to us throughout this process) gave us the immunization schedule for meningitis, and Audrena is up to par for the surgery. One less thing we have to worry about!

Then came the meeting with the Speech Language Pathologist. I was a little concerned about this meeting just because I had been told that in the past Boys Town recommended Total Communication. However, when we told her that we will be using Auditory Verbal Therapy, she was very supportive. We were happy to work out some details regarding coordinating therapies with our SLP here. Overall, the visit was very informative and just a really good conversation.

From there we took a lunch break at Perkins and went back to the hospital for our Audiology meeting. They did some sound booth testing and were able to get Audrena to respond to some very loud sounds. We still don't know if she was reacting to the sound, or to the vibrations. Then they went to a different room to test out the hearing aids. By this point, Audrena was ready for a nap, and things were not looking promising. However, when Randy saw the machine, he recognized it as something that Dr. M. had done at USD the day before. They were able to call and have the information faxed.

We had a good feeling at the end of the day. Then it was back to the hotel for a nap, and then we went to dinner and checked out Bass Pro Shop. Audrena loved the waterfall, the fish, and the glass elevator!

Yesterday morning, we started with the device orientation. It included a wide range of discussion about Audrena's history, our expectations (although there was a separate meeting for this), a little education about the workings of the ear, the surgery, and the opportunity to hold the equipment from each of the three cochlear implant manufacturers: Med El, Cochlear, and Advanced Bionics. We had already done our research and knew which manufacturer we wanted to use, so after we were given a thorough introduction to each company, we signed the paperwork for Audrena to receive an Advanced Bionics implant!

Our last appointment was with the CI team leader for our expectations discussion. He asked lots of questions about what we expect as an outcome for Audrena post-implantation, how we would feel and what we would do if for some reason the implants were a fail for her, and discussed the long-term commitments for therapy sessions and finances regarding equipment replacement. It was a really great discussion.

At some point, we also learned that Boys Town has the capability for private webcasts. So our therapists here could actually watch Audrena having a therapy session there to learn what kinds of things Boys Town recommends for her. When it comes time for the implant activations, they can record the session for us as well as broadcasting the session live. It would be a secure internet connection where our family and friends could watch from home as Audrena hears her first sounds! How exciting!

Keep in mind that the team makes a decision as to whether or not to proceed with implantation for Audrena. They together determine candidacy, not one single person on the team. They meet on Wednesdays, so next week they will review this week's appointments and make their decision. However, we were told that the team discussed Audrena a bit at Wednesday's appointment even though we had not completed all of the appointments. Hopefully that is a very good sign for us! We also heard some little bits of things that we interpret to mean we'll be receiving some good news next week.

Randy and I left Omaha feeling better than we have felt in a long time. Every single person we have encountered at Boys Town, and I do mean every single person from the receptionists to the doctors, has been wonderful. We feel like we will have a truly fantastic team of professionals working on Audrena's side to help us ensure she will achieve her full potential. So right now we're just waiting for that phone call!

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