January 30, 2014

Current Happenings on Audrena's Hearing Journey

We've been wading through the preschool evaluations, and we're almost finished. Currently, we are planning for Audrena to start preschool on March 11th, the day after her 3rd birthday. This whole process has been a new adjustment for us. Just when we think we're getting used to things!

Audrena had programming last week. She had been putting her hands over her ears at loud sounds, so we knew something had changed. It worried us a bit because it happened pretty suddenly and shortly after a bump to the head. As it turns out, her impedances were fine, so she just needed to have the programming tweaked a bit. However, we were surprised when one of her Naida processors gave Dr. M. issues during programming. Then we were even more surprised when the Neptune for the opposite ear caused the programming software to crash. So Advanced Bionics replaced both processors, and when they receive the others they will do some additional testing to see if they can figure out what happened, whether it was a static shock, moisture, or some other issue. It seems that we go through a lot of parts, but we are always pleased with AB's service. We also understand that we are dealing with the newest technology, and that doesn't come without some bugs.

Here is a recent photo of Audrena with her Naida processors. If anyone has any fantastic suggestions for us about how to keep them on, we would love to hear them! Her glasses cause the processors to slide off her ears if they are not secured. Plus, we don't want to take the chance of losing them. We are currently using toupe tape, which works, but her hair gets caught in it. She loses chunks of hair, and some days I think it's a miracle she has any left around her ears. Also, it makes her ears look a little funny because of how the tape sticks. I am going to order some huggies to see if that works. It seems like if there was a product that attached the processors to her glasses they would stay in place better. Maybe I should invent something!

I will leave you with some big news. It's big in our eyes anyway. We are going to attend The Moog Center's Parent Education Workshop in June! We are SO excited! After much debating about whether I could get away from work, whether Randy could get away from work, and what to do with our other children, we decided to just book the trip! My sister plans to go with us, and we'll take the big kids along. Since we will have evenings open to do other things, it will be a family vacation! If one or the other of us is unable to go, we'll adjust our plans and one of us will still attend. We feel like this is going to be a great learning experience, and Audrena will get some fantastic one-on-one time with The Moog Center's personnel!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't tried it yet, but an AB rep suggested a "Hearing Henry" headband to help keep the Naidas on....Great news about the conference!
