May 2, 2012

The Audiogram and the Speech Banana

This is an audiogram chart showing the speech banana. I obtained this chart from

From the New Paltz Central School District, here is an explanation of the speech banana.

The sounds we use to produce speech in conversation have frequencies and decibels. The most typical frequency and decibel for each speech sound has been graphed on an audiogram to provide information about what sounds can be heard at specific degrees of hearing loss. A child that can hear the sounds of speech will have a much easier time imitating, understanding and learning spoken language.
When all the sounds necessary for speech were initially graphed and a line was drawn around them, the shape looked like a banana. The term "speech banana" was coined. This area is the target hearing area for children with hearing loss. If they are able to hear  sounds within the speech banana when they are aided with hearing aids [or cochlear implants], there is a better chance they will understand that sound and be able to reproduce it in their speech.

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